
AMREF Flying Doctors starts COVID-19 Preparedness Training for staff at EAC International Airports

The EAC Secretariat project is facilitated by the German Government

AMREF Flying Doctors has this week started training COVID-19 prevention and response training of EAC International Airport staff ahead of Partner States resuming their flight schedules.

The training was kicked off at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi with training of trainers (TOT) for the first group of 15 of a total of 240 key airport personnel targeted for TOT and are expected to spearhead the development and conduction of targeted training sessions for the rest of the airport personnel.

These training is organized and coordinated by The Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (EAC CASSOA) and facilitated by the Federal Republic of Germany.

Each TOT session comprises two 2-day courses with each class having 15 participants to meet the recommended social distancing requirements. Subsequent sessions will follow in Mombasa, Juba, Entebbe, Bujumbura, Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro and Kigali.

The first training was officially opened by the Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Economic Affairs, at the German Embassy in Nairobi, Thomas Wimmer, and the Director General of the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority and CASSOA Board Chair, Capt. Gilbert M. Kibe.

The capacity building targets staff from the Civil Aviation Authority, airline operators, port health, animal health, immigration, customs, cargo and baggage, security, airport rescue & firefighters as well as from the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA).

The training implements parts of the EAC Regional COVID-19 Response Plan.

1 Comment

  1. Solitei Nemakayia
    June 12, 2020 at 8:29 pm

    How can you encourage those who have being affected by covid 19 in the society

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