
For any inquiries and further information, write to [email protected] or call +254 701 147 506 or +254 20 699 2000.

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Courses Available Training Dates  (Click to Apply) Target Group Cost
Heart saver FIRST  AID , CPR & AED

1-day course

January 16th

February 13th

March 12th

April 9th

May 14th

June 11th

July 9th

August 13th

September 10th

October 15th

November 12th

Every one Non – Medics


Ksh. 7,500/-
Basic Life Support

1 Day Course

January 23rd

February 27th

March 26th

April 23rd

May 28th

June 12th 

June 25th

July 10th 

July 23rd 

August 6th 

August 27th

September 11th

September 24th

October 8th

October 29th

November 13th 

November 26th 


Health Care Providers Ksh. 6500/-
Advanced  Cardiovascular Life  Support

1 Day Course

January 24th & 25th

February 28th & 29th

March 27th & 28th

April 24th & 25th

May 29th & 30th

June 26th & 27th

July 24th & 25th

August 28th & 29th

September 25th & 26th

October 30th & 31st

November 27th & 28th



Clinical Officers

Ksh. 18,500/-

Basic Trauma Life


On Request

2 Day Course


Groups 10 – 15

Ksh. 10,000/- Per Person

COVID – 19

Preparedness and  Response Course

On request

1 Day Course


Groups 10 – 15

Ksh. 6,500/-

Per Person

COVID – 19

Preparedness and  Response Training of  Trainers ( T.O.T )

On Request

2 days Course


Groups 10 – 15

Ksh. 25,000/- Per Person
Tailored Emergency  and Medical Courses On Request


Groups 10 – 15

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