Jane Mbatia

Jane Mbatia is the Managing Partner at Kamotho Maiyo & Mbatia Advocates. In addition, she is also a Director at Lexxis Recruit and a non- executive director of AMREF Flying Doctors.
She has over 20 years’ experience as a corporate commercial lawyer cutting across all sectors including, Banking and Finance, Media, Telecommunications and Mining. Other areas of her general practice include Public Sector Advisory, Property and Conveyancing, and Corporate Governance.
Jane has also worked for the Public Sector in South Africa as Company Secretary and legal counsel for the largest broadcaster in Africa and for a major state-owned mining company. Jane also consulted for the South Africa Public sector.
Her Professional memberships include: The Law Society of Kenya, Institute of directors-Kenya, Institute of Certified Public Secretaries and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Compliance Institute of South Africa.