Our Services
With more than 65 years of experience in operating aero-medical missions, AMREF Flying Doctors is a market leader and veteran when it comes to transporting patients worldwide.
From a truly global coverage to being experts for remote evacuations, AMREF Flying Doctors provides a variety of services tailored to our clients’ needs.
Find out more about how AFD can support you with your needs.
What we do

„Led by AMREF’s Medical Director Dr. Joseph Lelo, The AMREF Flying Doctors Team is composed of highly specialized flight physicians and nurses, all experts in their field.
State-of-the-art equipment and regular trainings assure that each patient on AMREF Flying Doctors‘ aircraft is not only cared for by the best professionals but always feel safe and comfortable.“
AMREF Flying Doctors – the true Flying Doctors
Medical Equipment
State-of-the-art medical equipment in each Aircraft AMREF Flying Doctors operates allows for the best care in the air on all of our missions.



Perfusion Pump

Medical Suction Pump


Oxygen Concentrator

Blood Analyzer

Our Memberships & Accreditations

International Assistance Group
AMREF Flying Doctors is a proud member and provider for the International Assistance Group (IAG). The International Assistance Group is the world’s largest alliance of over 160 independent assistance companies, service providers and correspondents.

AMREF Flying Doctors is accredited by the leading accreditation institute – the European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI). Founded by the leading aeromedical providers in the world it has since developed into a globally recognized institution with more than 50 accredited providers worldwide.

AMREF Flying Doctors is a proud member of the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association (AHA) is a nonprofit organization based in the United States that supports research and education to reduce disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke.